Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Moving Van has arrived!

Hey, it's Robyn here!

In preparation for the move I have been spending hours sorting, packing and cleaning. FINALLY the time has arrived for us to start packing up the van to head north!!  I'm excited, can you tell?

I can't say it came too soon. You know the feeling that something will never get done? A college paper perhaps, a project or a painfully long day? Multiply that feeling times a million and you have an idea about how anxious I am to get out of town and settled :)

Aaron (the hubster) embraces change like a champ, me on the other hand not so much. I embrace it kicking and screaming. I know change is good, it is healthy and an inevitable part of life but it causes me a certain degree of stress. I like things in order, tidy and just so (if you know what I mean) so my messy and disorganized house is feeling a bit like a burden these last few days in Tennessee. It will be interesting to see my type A personality take a hit after living with two men, a  very busy three year old and a my sister, who is... let's say a little less organized ha ha.

Here are a few photos of the beginning process of our packing the van (which seemed TOO SMALL in the beginning, talk about stressful). My in-laws were in town for a family friend's wedding so it worked out beautifully to have them here to help out. God works everything out, I was not looking forward to helping Aaron move the heavy furniture after a toe smashing incident earlier this year when we got our first dryer... but that is a story for another time ;)

The first of many "piles" to be loaded into the U-haul truck.

Papa Reed and the hubster doing what men do best, moving heavy things and grunting :)

Momma Reed hamming it up for the camera.

Harry dog curled up in our comforter. We had to camp out on the living room floor because our air mattress deflated in the middle of the night. Maybe if I were a ten pound dog I would be more comfortable on the floor!

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An update from the MI side of things is coming soon!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

We have a blog!

I am super excited to be posting our very first blog post! I apologize if you are reading this and thinking about how lame it is, it is a work in progress!

A shared blog between us sisters has been a dream in the works for a while now. As the first born twin (Robyn), I am usually the first to try anything so naturally when I discovered the magical land of blogs I instantly became addicted and as you will see, so did baby sis Tanya :) We decided to create this blog to document our adventures living under one roof after over 4 years of separation. Yep, you read that right. We (as both married adult women) are moving in together! The hubby's are invited of course. It is going to be non stop crazy in the mitten, but as a cool weather person I am SO ready to be out of the heat of the South and back north. Midwestern/Yankee all the way :) GO Tigers, GO Broncos, GO State!

As we prepare and embark on this new and crazy journey we invite you to share in our adventures! We love everything diy, baking, mexican food, our families, God and our animals! We hope you stop by once in awhile to see what's goin on in our lives.We also hope that our crazy ideas and zest for life will inspire you to create, learn and love!

More posts to come about our move north, preparing the 4 bedroom ranch and unfinished MI basement (where we will be living) for our arrival and all of our future project ideas for our "home."
